Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Chakraa - this year's National Beach Ultimate Champions

Finally, we played to our potential! Finally, we played like champions. Chakraa totally dominated the Chennai Heat 2009 tournament. Lots of people said that it was boring to watch a Chakraa game this tournament because we didn't make many mistakes, and hence there was little scope for close matches. The scores 9-5, 9-4, 9-4, 9-3, 9-2 and 9-0 say it all. I take that as a compliment as a player, and as a not-so-good comment as a tournament director who wants the audience to feel the thrill of good, well fought Ultimate games. I will write a following post about my learning on the "Spirit of the game" from this tournament. I feel proud to say that this tournament, I did not make any bad/dubious calls throughout. This makes my victory even more sweet on a personal front. There was one bad call made against me on one of my defensive blocks, which I let go with a minor contest. It wasn't much of a conflict since my team was up any way, and I was supremely confident of us winning even if the play was redone. But, maybe I should get the video and point out the bad call so that the same situation need not be dealt with again in the future. More on SOTG soon.

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Anonymous Nithya said...

Soooooppperr! Am very proud ;-)

11:03 AM  
Blogger Rhapsoder said...

Thanks Niths! :-)

11:07 AM  
Blogger Patrick van der Valk said...


See you on the beach!


2:02 PM  
Blogger Rhapsoder said...

Thanks Parick,

Also take a look at the media coverage we've got. It's on another recent post on this blog.

I'll be posting more pictures this weekend. We basically had over 3000 people watching the tournament. It was amazing to play with so many people cheering. The flood lights attracts crowd like moths to a fire.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous harish said...

I am an ultimate player from Boston vacationing in Hyderabad. Do you by any chance know of any pick up games in HYD? Also are there any tournaments in South India in late Nov/ early Dec

thanks a lot

9:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yeah theres the pondicherry tournament on nov 28-29

5:09 PM  

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